Zionist Betrayal of Jews From Herzl to Netanyahu by Stanley Heller

$ 14.95

In Zionist Betrayal of Jews, Stanley Heller cuts through 120 years of lies, evasions, and cynicism to expose the damage that Zionism has brought to Jews. His style is conversational, his tone is at times ironic. It eases navigation along a path through comprehensive source materials that could be overwhelming. Heller moves through the years, documenting the horrific effects of prioritizing Zionism over Jewish safety: undermining the anti-Nazi boycott in the 1930s; providing arms and support to a 1970s fascist Argentina regime which tortured Jews; trading Holocaust denial for settlement support by right wing regimes in Europe and India; giving Trump a free pass as he cultivated antisemitism in 21st century America. The Zionist betrayal of Jews has always been its dangerous sacrifice of Jewish safety worldwide to its promotion of Jewish settlement in Palestine.

Year: 2024


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